Thomas Adderley

– “Thomas, The Industrialist” played an important role in the development of Innishannon during the 1700’s.He was the son of Francis Adderley, he was educated in Trinity College, Dublin. While in Dublin he fell in love with, and married the young widow of Viscount Charlmount of Armagh. She died three years later.Thomas then took responsibility of looking after the Armagh estate and he became M.P. there. At length, her son, having been educated overseas returned. Both he and Thomas fell in love with the same woman , they quarreled and were never to speak to each other again. In the event she married neither of them. Thomas Adderley then returned to Innishannon where he brought prosperity. He appeared to have lived in Dunderrow at first before moving to the centre of Innishannon village. His land stretched from Bandon to Ballinhassig and he owned property in Kinsale also.
His main influences in Innishannon were:
- Silk industry
- Linen industry
- Charter School
Other smaller industries:
- Salt Works – salt was vital to the economy as there was no other way of preserving meat and fish. This industry was mainly carried out by Appelby’s
- Flour mill – Managed mainly by the Orr’s
- Courderoy – this mill was situated in the north east corner of the Bleach and was managed by the Baker Family
- Carpets – When the slk industry failed Adderley set up a carpet manufacturing industry, a piece of which was sent to Dublin Castle for the reception room there. Again this industry was dooomed to failure.
- Cotton – In 1780 he tried to get the manufacture of cotton going. For eleven years the industry thrived, but it died with Thomas Adderley himself.on the 28th.of May 1791
While in Innishannon he planted Dromkeen Wood. In the middle of the wood he planted trees of a different shade. From the opposite side of the river one could clearly see the name “Thomas Adderley”. The wood was cut down by Mr. Frewen in 1891. Thomas Adderley died on the 28th of May 1791.
The last of the Adderleys was Edward Hale Adderley, who was a very influential man, but so encumbered his property that it passed through mortgage for £40,000 to Mr.Thomas Frewen.
This Mr.Adderley was for twelve years or so unable to go outside his private grounds, excepting on Sunday, for fear of being arrested for debt. His house stood by the river, about opposite the village cross.
He built the underground tunnel to the old church, i.e. St.Mary’s Church, through his garden, (which was called Garryvoory, i.e. Mary’s garden). He used this tunnel to get from his house to the church so that he could attend service without fear of being arrested.Finally, under the darkness of night he left the country and went to live in London, where he died about forty years later, at the age of 105 years, leaving no legitimate offspring.