Scoil Eoin parents association will run its 2nd annual Family Bingo on Sunday March 2nd @ 4pm. Our team of volunteers is excited to host this fun event after the success of last year.
Hampers for Raffle:
We would like to remind parents that the raffle prizes on the day will be hampers from each class at the school. Each class has a theme colour and children are invited to bring one small item to school for the hamper. We will collect the donations bags from the classrooms next Monday 17th February and make the hampers. Please see the class colour themes below.
We would also welcome any donations of baskets to use for the hampers.
Sponsorship of Line/House prizes:
We would welcome any donations from local businesses for the cash prizes at the bingo. We would be delighted to promote your sponsorship at the event in appreciation of your kind sponsorship.
Baking for the refreshment stall:
We would appreciate baking on the day of the Bingo. Please let us know if you are able to help.
Scoil Eoin Parents Association